We Ain’t Going to the Town, We’re Going to the City || Shadows & Ink 2024-05-06

Hey you!

Aye, I forgot last week because I was too busy with launch stuff...


This week’s choice is Next Exit by Interpol, the first track on their second album, Antics, which I was listening to this morning:

Is it a Christmas song? You tell me...

#Last Week

Okay, so what did I get up to last week? Well, the fifth Marshall book came out on Tuesday and I did an online book launch for it, which you can still watch on Facebook (usual technical gremlins!):

It was over an hour of me havering, so good luck getting through all that nonsense.

I thought when I was sculpting this book about how it’d be nice to get into the top 100 again at launch at some point. And blow me – it happened! Got to #84 on Wednesday, then Amazon’s rankings froze so I don’t know if it got any higher, but it dropped to over 100, but rallied up to 90. Crazy. It’s about 150, which is totally cool. A huge thank you to everyone who bought the book, it’s massively appreciated!

I did an event in the Station House in Stow on Thursday to a frankly ridiculous crowd, excellently chaired by Gordy from Wedale Books. I’m totally blown away by people coming to see me havering in person. Hopefully it was enjoyable!

And I finished most of a first cut of the outline for Marshall 6, so it’s running slightly behind schedule, but should all be done in time for a September release. I’ll know more once I get stuck into the actual writing. But it’s a pretty bonkers story that I’m very pleased with. It’s taken me a while to get this one done, but I think the story is pretty solid.

#This Week

My head’s been pretty thick after finishing OPERATION HIGH CONCEPT, but it’s finally back I think! Managed to finish 95% of tightening the outline today, just a few more bits to tighten at the end.

Have to say, I really love writing these books. I said at the event on Thursday about how many ideas I’ve got, and gave an example of one which I think I might do as book 7, because it’s really good, even if I do say so myself. But it might keep better for book 8. But yes, there’s going to be tons of these books. You’ll get sick of them before I do!

Anyway, I’ll be working on editing the final text of Dodds 1 Tuesday to Thursday.

No “stuf” this week because I’ve got a bed to strim – see you next week!



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